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Blog Transfer Complete

Ok, I think I finally got everything up and running. For those of you thinking about transferring your blogs onto your own domain, I’d say the hardest part was having to re-do all the tags and embedded videos. Other than that, if you have basic FTP knowledge (for file transfers) you should be fine. Please let me know if any of my links do not work or if you have any trouble whatsoever navigating this blog.

Why did I transfer?

For those of you that have been subscribing to my blog up until now, you probably noticed that I was using the domain ( even though I owned as well ( it was simply re-directing to the WordPress domain). The disadvantage of this (other than personal branding reasons) was that I had limited control over the presentation and programming aspects of my blog. I am now in full control of every aspect of my blog (you may see some custom widgets showing up soon).

The only temporary disadvantage is a loss of existing subscribers and initial traffic (the domain has a very high search engine ranking). In order to offset the effects of this, I would like to ask all of my existing and new subscribers to be sure to subscribe to my new blog domain. The two options are as follows:


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Published inAdministrativeInsight