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Tag: communications

Asante Sana Tanzania!

The first phase of our project in Tanzania is now over. What an experience.

What are we doing there exactly? I can’t provide details at this point, however what I can say is that we’re working with the Ethics Division of the President’s Office, Public Service Management (PO-PSM) to develop a social marketing/behaviour change program to advance Ethics change in the public service. Our role is essentially to lead and educate the Tanzanian team responsible for ethics in the preparation of a social marketing strategy and program materials to support the implementation and evaluation of a pilot, facilitate the development and utilization of evaluation tools and help develop the means through which feedback will be obtained.

Semantic confusion surrounding modern marketing

There are numerous marketing terms that are being misused so often these days that I often find it necessary to give a quick lecture on semantics before presenting, training or consulting with clients. If this is not done from the get-go, then consensus within a group is nearly impossible to attain. Even if two people fundamentally agree on something, they have no way of knowing due to the fact that their initial paradigms are different. A great visual example of this is the famous illustration of the old lady/young lady I have included in this post.

Two upcoming niche events catered to the public sector that I highly recommend

Every year I attend and/or speak at numerous conferences, events, and seminars related to marketing, communications, social media, technology and government.  While they all seem to bring value to the table, certain ones stand out from the crowd. Two of these are taking place within the next month.