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Tag: health

Can a mobile app save lives? Yes it can.

Over the last year I have had the privilege of working with a fair amount of health organizations wishing to enter the digital realm. As a result, I have performed quite a bit of research and literature review on the applicability of social media engagement and mobile technology in the public health field. The opportunities are of course tremendous, and most of the risks can be effectively mitigated through education/training as numerous proactive health organizations have demonstrated to date.

Information alone does not change behaviour

I recently came across this interesting anti-smoking advertisement (see video below) from the Thai Health Promotion Foundation. What I love about it is that it clearly demonstrates that “outreach”/ “public education” / “communication” alone is often not enough to change behaviour.

What if the target audience already knows how bad smoking is? Specifically how bad it is for them. What if they can already recite all the symptoms and potential life-threatening implications?  The last thing they need is another message with yet another reason why they shouldn’t smoke.  What they need is a “mirror”…