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Tag: klout

Radian6 #Social2011 Debrief

Last week I attended the Social 2011 Conference in Boston (put on by Radian6). I have a ton of takeaways, however to get them all you may want to take a look at either my tweet stream from last week or search through the entire #social2011 hashtag stream (well over 10,000 tweets went out over the course of 48hrs).

It was great to catch up with some of my colleagues from the private sector world of social media, especially since most of my professional community and clientele belongs to the public sector (or non profit) social media space. I’m always quickly reminded that while the private sector (in many cases) may be a few years ahead, it’s not without it’s own unique challenges.

Top Twitter Tools & Applications

During one of my last presentations, I noticed some of my participants frantically scribbling notes whenever I would open up my “Twitter Tools” bookmark folder in my browser as if they were some secret collection. These are all in fact, free public tools that I have simply bookmarked over time.

To prevent this scribbling from happening in the future, I figured I should share my list. It’s really nothing more than various Twitter database leveraging tools and applications, each with specific purposes. Some are great, others, not so much. At the end of the day, it depends on what it is that you are trying to do. I also have most of these on my public Twitter links page via Delicious, for those of you not into static lists.