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Tag: smartphone

A list of mobile apps that I use regularly


I received a few emails recently asking me about my favourite mobile apps. Rather than responding individually I have decided to create a public blog post out of my response in case others are interested as well.

Out of the hundreds of apps (on iOS, BB and Android platforms) that I have downloaded since I purchased my first smartphone, there are very few that actually give me true utility on a regular basis. I have listed them below , organized into three categories.

For the record, I currently own an Android based Samsung Galaxy S3 as my smartphone , however my list was quite similar when I was using an iPhone 4 (nearly all of the apps listed below are available on both platforms). Also, I am not including native apps that came with my phone such as the internet browser, video player, music player, etc… which are used daily. I  have also excluded any time-sensitive apps, which serve a useful purpose for a limited amount of time and then become obsolete (e.g.  Olympics, Awards Shows, Superbowl, etc…).

Canadians speak out on the future of government eServices

I just came across an excellent new research report from PWC. It has a rather long  name “Next Generation of  eservices – CitizenCompass – Enhancing service delivery in the Canadian public sector“, however it’s quite informative nonetheless. Essentially its purpose was to ask Canadians how they are interacting with government now, and how they would like to interact in the future regarding service delivery.