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Public Safety Canada making strides in social media

Ok I’ll admit it. I’m excited about this because Public Safety Canada has been one of my long-standing clients (social media training, social media strategy development and social marketing) for well over 3 years. Specifically, the Emergency Preparedness Branch, which is responsible for the Get Prepared initiative.

The intent of “Get Prepared” is simple: “To ensure Canadians (during an emergency) are prepared to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours while emergency workers focus on people in urgent need”.

There are three easy steps for Canadians to do this as illustrated in the image below and on their website. In terms of measurement, Google Analytics conversion goals have been set up to measure the successful navigation through each step. This is a great example of tying your website goals directly into your branch/organizational goals).

emergency kit

Here are some of the social media engagement steps they have taken that I’m excited about:

There are still many internal roadblocks that need to be overcome, however this team is definitely making strides in the right direction. Let me know your thoughts!

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Published inComplimentGovernmentNewsReviewSocial MediaVideos


  1. Excellent overview. Super easy to understand. Nice short format (video) with easy to understand action items. good job!

  2. One thing that really bugs me is that they hosted the video internally as opposed to embedding it from a YouTube channel. This way there is no way of tracking the views of the video and/or sharing it easily from the website (which is the main source of their traffic). I am told this was done for internal “legal” reasons, although very, very weak ones. Especially considering the video is already being circulated on the channels of other people that simply uploaded it themselves from the social media press release (hosted on the MarketWire channel). A minor mishap, however with major consequences on measurement!

  3. Thanks for this Mike. This is the first I’d heard of a federal department using Google Analytics and doing real blogger outreach. I will use this case study to build my case for trying out appropriate social media channels in my department.

  4. No problem Robin, Theresa (PSC client) and I present this as a case study today at the ALI conference…I’ll post the presentation up on SlideShare soon.

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