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BC Social Media Engagement Learning Centre

I was recently given permission to share a “work in progress” extranet site from the Government of British Columbia. Please note that it is currently a mirror and has not yet been officially launched.

So what is it exactly?

A collection of guidelines and best-practices surrounding the use of social media for citizen engagement.

How is it different?

It’s actually a user-friendly resource. It’s visually appealing and not merely a PDF like every other government social media policy, guideline or best practice document seems to be these days.

How can you access it?

Let me know what you think. Do you see every level of government eventually having a resource like this? Internal wiki’s (e.g. GCpedia, OPSmedia) are great to get the content organized collaboratively by the evangelists, however to reach people outside the fishbowl, personally I think you need efforts like this.


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Published inGuidelines & PoliciesNoticeSocial Media