Over the next few blog posts I will debrief a few of the many events I attended this Spring. I have included only key takeaways and interesting insights (ok, well I find them interesting anyway…). The SRDC Open Data Consultation was an invitation only event, which I had the pleasure of participating in. I have agreed not to disclose any names, however I was given permission to publicly discuss some of the content.
SRDC Open Data Consultation – May 6th, 2011
- WalMart is a data management firm as opposed to a retail firm like Kmart
- GoC should act more like WalMart instead of like Kmart (e.g. Hurricane Katrina & Pop Tarts )
- Open data should be a natural fit for GoC considering they have citizens whereas private companies like WalMart have consumers
- We have public assetss whereas they protect private assets
- The modern social web produces massive ammounts of exhausts data that can be extremely valuable
- Great open data examples and related concept sites to check out: Parking Mobility, Asthmapolis, FitBit , EatSure Vancouver
- Open Data benefits go from Personal–>Communal–>Public
- Open data needs to be intergrated into citzien workflow to be effective (e.g. Product recall data should be given to retailers so that bar code scanners can pick up something that has been recalled at point of purchase while it is being scanned for purchase (no new effort required).
- The main government doorways need to be re-designed. Great examples include:Utah.gov , Ca.gov, DirectGov (the Craigslist of gov portals)
- Community Accounts (Eastern Canada) – brilliant open data concept
- Montreal Ouvert -another great example
- Australian Bureau of Statistics is very progressive in terms of open data
- Stats Can is looking at removing licensing fees
- Huge gap in understanding of open data (need to get out of the fishbowl)
- 42% of the Canadian adult population is not fully literate!
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