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Month: October 2011

Goodbye Telephone

It has been exactly one month since my wife and I decided to join the 1 in 7 Canadians (or two million homes) without a landline.  The funny thing is, I completely forgot I ditched it until I was reminded by stumbling across a recent article on the topic. Apparently by the end of 2014, according to a survey by the Convergence Consulting Group, 26 per cent of Canadian homes will have only mobile phone service.

Farewell Steve Jobs

At this time , millions of tributes, obituaries and status updates are flooding the internet in remembrance of a true visionary. I did not know Steve Jobs personally, but I did follow his endeavors quite closely throughout the last decade. I’d like to post up this speech from his  2005 Standford University Commencement Address , which I think sums up his approach to life, business, and family. Please encourage others to watch it. We need more people like this.