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Tag: apple

Dear WhatsApp



Just over a year ago, I wrote about the prolific rise of cross-platform mobile messaging apps along with the corresponding exodus of users in terms of “small circle conversation” on major social platforms. At that time , few people at my workshops or among clients ever  heard of WhatsApp. Even up until very recently, I would still get blank stares when asking people if they knew anything about it.

As of today that will no longer be an issue.

Facebook just bought WhatsApp for $19 Billion.

A list of mobile apps that I use regularly


I received a few emails recently asking me about my favourite mobile apps. Rather than responding individually I have decided to create a public blog post out of my response in case others are interested as well.

Out of the hundreds of apps (on iOS, BB and Android platforms) that I have downloaded since I purchased my first smartphone, there are very few that actually give me true utility on a regular basis. I have listed them below , organized into three categories.

For the record, I currently own an Android based Samsung Galaxy S3 as my smartphone , however my list was quite similar when I was using an iPhone 4 (nearly all of the apps listed below are available on both platforms). Also, I am not including native apps that came with my phone such as the internet browser, video player, music player, etc… which are used daily. I  have also excluded any time-sensitive apps, which serve a useful purpose for a limited amount of time and then become obsolete (e.g.  Olympics, Awards Shows, Superbowl, etc…).

Farewell Steve Jobs

At this time , millions of tributes, obituaries and status updates are flooding the internet in remembrance of a true visionary. I did not know Steve Jobs personally, but I did follow his endeavors quite closely throughout the last decade. I’d like to post up this speech from his  2005 Standford University Commencement Address , which I think sums up his approach to life, business, and family. Please encourage others to watch it. We need more people like this.