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Social Media Document Garage Sale!

Once in a while I get sent very comprehensive reports and/or statistical documents on various applications and elements of social media. Unfortunately, even though I read all of them, I rarely get a chance to share them with others. Instead, they end up piling up in my “3rd party research” folder without getting the attention they deserve. Therefore I’ve decided to do something about it. Basically I have uploaded all of them as PDF’s to my server, and made them available to you in the form of a social media document garage sale…free of course (they are currently available to the public at no cost). I figured, why not share them with the community? Better yet, why not have the community leave comments on this specific post as to which ones were valuable to them? Here they are in absolutely no logical order (title only). All of them are from 2008 and the authors have been fully disclosed. Happy reading!

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Published inDocument Sharing


  1. Nice gesture Mike. Like you I use this sort of material in my work with police forces in the UK and with police leaders and communicators. Always happy to come across relevant source material. Thanks again. Mike

  2. […] » Social Media Document Garage Sale! Public Sector Marketing 2.0 – Mike Kujawski’s Blog – Fresh I… (tags: marketing socialmedia) […]

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